Why Seek Property Development Finance?
When you’re embarking on a property development project, finding external finance usually through a lender can provide a number of advantages.
Government Extends £9bn Affordable Housing Programme
The UK government has confirmed it is extending the current £9 billion affordable homes programme by a further 12 months.
Leicestershire Housing Scheme Gets £4.5m Funding Package
A housing developer in Leicestershire has received almost £4.5m in funding to help it complete a housing scheme in the south of the county.
Govt Financial Schemes Help Nearly 1m Businesses
the government launched loan schemes to help British companies surviveTand nearly one million enterprises have now benefited from these initiatives.
GLA Provides Loan To Private Developer
The Greater London Authority (GLA) is providing a £50 million loan to a private property developer to encourage it to build new homes more quickly.
Govt Unveils Plans To Restart Housing Market
A series of new measures have been announced by the government to unlock the housing market and start building homes for the future, as well as enabling people to move house safely - all in line with social distancing guidelines. These